“Old Graves”


“Old Graves”

The Digger

                Who are those that have no graves?  Who loves to go around digging up others? Who loves to dig up what has died and been buried long ago? Who sees others’ past sin and throws; stone at them? Who is without sin and loves to dig up others’ buried past? Who won’t let others bury and forget? Who are those that throw the biggest and heaviest stones, and do worse than the ones they are throwing at? Who keeps his shovel sharp for digging? Who searches old buried sin and digs as if looking for treasure? The digger! Continue reading ““Old Graves””

“Give us Barabbas”

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“Give us Barabbas”


There is a great war raging in America today. On one side are the followers of Jesus and his way and then there are the followers of man’s way. Man has no way but his own. Lost in a world of not knowing where he came from or where he is going. Empty of purpose, so he makes up his idea of purpose in life. He makes up his idea of how man should live and the rules and boundaries he should live by. These people get elected to office and began to implement them. When men can’t bear up under these, stronger rules are made and if that doesn’t work, then strong enforcement is implemented. The character of much of these men can be extreme. Some steal, rob, murder, deceive, pervert, slander and lie to keep their positions in office. Anyone that comes along that doesn’t do such things is a threat to their way. Their defense is to rage a war of lies against the people of God’s way, those who follow Jesus. Continue reading ““Give us Barabbas””