“The Jackal” and “The Trumpeter”

“The Jackal” and “The Trumpeter” —

There was a great Lion that roamed through a land called Air. There was none like him, He was known as King of all. Once he was attacked and wounded, his attacker thought he was dead so he left. The attacker was a large ugly creature that resembled a Jackal. He laughed hideously loud. It sounded like children crying and people in agony, with their voices going up and down, shaking as one who can’t catch his breath. He was known as the prince of the power of the Air. After a while he sent back a few of his offspring. They looked and laughed just like him. They were to make sure the King was dead and if He wasn’t they were to stay there and pester Him until He was. They were to laugh, condemn and shame Him. They all danced, jumped around and around Him with their shrill screaming-crying’s. Suddenly, the Great Lion stood and roared so loud that it covered the sound of the screaming’s. The jackals jumped back in fear, running, but not fast enough. A great paw came around and killed them all. At a distance the king of the jackals screamed in horror at the sight of his offspring’s violent death. He swore to torment and kill all the Great Lion’s offspring forever. The Jackal disguised himself as a beautiful Lion to fool the Great Lion’s offspring. His looked like sweet innocent lion cubs, but inside were deceiving jackals. He sent them throughout the land of Air with orders to seek, kill and destroy all the Great Kings’ offspring. Continue reading ““The Jackal” and “The Trumpeter””