Seeing the un-seen
Seeing the un-Seen
While I was watching an old western movie this morning, a cowboy was riding through a stand of woods where all the trees were leaning to the left at the same angle. Now this was natural, but not normal. If the trees were seen individually, this would seem normal, but all the trees leaning this way was not natural. The un-seen thing in this case was the wind. Wind that could do this was natural but not normal. For years after a hurricane, you could still drive along the highway and see telephone poles leaning at the same un-natural angle. Scars last a long time. Now back to the natural and the un-natural. Jesus is like the wind in that he moves in the natural world but can’t be seen. Those that have been blown, walk at a different angle. They saw him during the wind and are never the same again. What we see matters, what we don’t see matters also. The angle we walk in matters, for us and others. Our scars matter, it’s our badge of experience for the next un-natural, un-seen wind.
The wind 2020: Why?
There is a great wind blowing over our land and the whole earth, in the natural. Its name is Pandemic or Covid-19. It’s un-seen to the naked eye but can be seen under a microscope. So, it’s normal but not natural because it doesn’t happen very often. It’s natural because we live in a natural fallen world. The things we see every day, in many cases, we think are normal, Jesus says is not natural or normal. We disregard His natural designed law as unnatural and do as we please. We make laws legalizing un-natural things. God’s natural design law is designed to protect us not to harm us. Adam ate the only, the one thing in the garden of all the rest that God said would kill him. The God of nature and natures God are one in the same. He designed natural law that never changes, such as gravity. We like to say what goes up must come down, true or false? We used to raise sheep; one was named Alice. She always stuck her head through the fence to eat. A dog almost ate her head off once. The fence was designed for protection, not restriction. When a nation or the world disregards God’s Designed laws of protection over a long period of time and teach their offspring to do the same, natural wind begins to blow. Natural designed law broken enough, brings natural destruction on its own. It doesn’t need any help from God. When the natural winds blow hard enough the natural world should listen. The Laws designed by natures God never change and at the proper time in history, as needed in different ways these laws are re-enforced through direct Revelation and this is one of those times. This is a time of great trouble, sickness and death and is the hardest wind I have ever seen in my lifetime, but God is not in the wind He is in a still small voice, call, then listen. Trust and cling to him in the wind. We will lean with a different angle from now on and forever. In our life on this earth we must see the un-seen, as in the case of the virus, we must use a microscope to see it and fight it. In the case of the wind, we must view it through God’s viewpoint. We only see the natural, but He sees the supernatural. We can’t fix the natural if we don’t see the supernatural. When we have that direct revelation from God, we all lean at the same angle, with the same purpose. There is a national time of calling to “Hunker Down and Pray” until the wind subsides. This is a time for Gods’ natural laws of protection to become normal again.
David W. McClary