“Unnatural Changes”


“Unnatural Changes”

I worked for a company back in the 70’s building luxury condominiums in a factory. We would build the floor sections and push them down the track. Then set the prefab walls on them and push them down the track again. Next, we put all of the appliances in and push again, fabricate the roof and so on. When they came out of the building, they were finished. I was in charge of a large number of workers. The assembly line was long and spread out. I had so many people working up and down the line that I couldn’t keep track of them. Well, it was easy to congregate, hide and talk. A lot of the people were young and inexperienced and the job didn’t pay a lot. But, production had to be kept up. I couldn’t see them all and this made it difficult. My brother Charlie was a welder in the jigs and fixture department, so I had him build me an office on a 12 foot tower. Problem solved, I could now see over my whole department. I now had an overview. This didn’t set well with my workers, but it sure kept production up. I knew what natural production should look like, so I always looked for unnatural things that slowed down production. There were always those few people that brought unnatural changes in. My job as an overseer, was to have the know-how to build and keep production up. Unnatural changes can damage a business, a family or a nation.

So, what is natural and what is unnatural and who’s to say which is what? Every human being has a conscience. God calls it the heart of man or his spirit. In it is written the commandments, the law of God. To God these are all natural and man should love to do what they say. Big problem. God placed them there because man stopped loving Him and His instructions, in the Garden of Eden. Man became unnatural to God’s natural way. This law in man would frustrate him through life and prove to him that in this unnatural state, he would never be able to please or love God. So, this law written in our heart was designed to draw us back to God through failure and frustration. When through exhaustion and apology to God, we suddenly became natural in God’s way. Some folks at their work places, call their boss the superintendent or super. Anyway, the super has the final say and final authority. God is known as super natural. To Him being super is natural and He does have the final say and authority. He is our natural standard, that is the normal or natural. The way He thinks and does things is natural.

Unnatural is anything that comes to grieve our conscience. Whether it is something we do or something someone else does. It could be something we see or something someone has told us.The conscience has another purpose other than convicting us when we break the law. It tells us what is right or wrong, what is natural and what is unnatural. It bears witness of what is good and what is not good. So we have become overseers of our families, our churches, cities and nation. We no longer see things in this world’s natural way. God’s way is the natural. We now see the natural and the unnatural clearly.

None of us were born into this world perfect and we know it. We all have to come to a place where we meet God and become natural born citizens of His family. We have to look for the natural and unnatural in our families, surroundings, nation and our political system. We can’t fix a problem if we don’t see it. There are a lot of things that we have come to believe are natural, but are they super natural? Is it ok with the super? The unnatural can make us sick, broke, thieves, murders, lawless, etc.

When Moses came down from the mountain after God had given him the Ten Commandments written in stone, he said “I hear the sound of war coming from the camp”. The unnatural was trying to take over the natural in the camp. Can you hear the sound of war in our nation? The unnatural trying to take over the natural. Did you notice when your son or daughter brought it home from school? Was the first boy your daughter wanted to date natural or unnatural?

I read an article once that a military instructor had written, to help air plane fighter pilots be more aware of the enemy in their surroundings. He called it living in condition yellow. How to be alert for things out of the ordinary, or anything unnatural. They shot down more of the enemy planes, because they were alert and looking for the abnormal or unnatural events. They saw the enemy long before they got close and were waiting for them. They saw the difference between the natural planes, which were friendly and the unnatural ones which were the enemy. It was a matter of life and death to them and to others also. The hunted had to be more alert than the hunter. Our problem is that we don’t think that we’re being hunted. The deer in the woods are constantly listening for the unnatural sounds between bites of food. The hunted has become the hunter.

Unnatural children can make unnatural leaders. That’s what we are seeing in our nation today. Leaders making unnatural decisions, that make the rest of us think, believe and do unnatural things. Causing us to give allegiance to unnatural man and his unnatural way. To be God’s natural is to hear the sound of war in our camps and nation as He does.

The Body of Christ, the Church, is no longer natural. God, the Supernatural has caused us to know the natural and recognize the unnatural when we see it. Let us defend the natural standards of God. Recognize the unnatural first in our lives, than our family, our Church family and our Government. Don’t accept the unnatural ones views of what is natural. Live in condition yellow. The traffic light at our intersections have a yellow light between the green for go and the red for stop. It is a warning that change is coming. If not heeded, the change that is coming could be unnatural and unwanted. Seeing from God’s view point is to be the hunter. Change is sure to come, embrace the natural and reject the unnatural.

David McClary

Author: David McClary

My wife and I live in the Great Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee.

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