“Against The Wind”







“Against the Wind”

A number of years ago while working on a high-rise condominium at Gulf Shores, Alabama, I was taking a break for lunch when I noticed a car pull up loaded with people. As I watched I saw them take out their blow up mattress and head for the water. Now this was winter time in Alabama and people around here don’t swim this time of the year, so they had to be from up north where it is a lot colder. This weather must have felt pretty nice to them, so in they went. Well, in winter here we have off shore winds, meaning the wind comes from the north and the Gulf of Mexico is south, so whatever hits the water is pushed south. The first land to the south is Cuba. When they first realized they couldn’t get back they were about 100 yards out. Panic began to set in as they paddled harder and harder toward shore, to no avail. They began to holler, and then it escalated to screams for help. They understood that the wind was against them and it was blowing harder than they were able to paddle against. Cuba is a communist nation and that was not an option. So they couldn’t get back to shore and couldn’t go with the wind either, they needed outside help. This time of the year there aren’t many people on the beach, but there were two or three. Some swam out and tried to help the paddlers paddle and others swam out and couldn’t make it and barely made it back to shore alive. The paddlers were holding their own until they exhausted their energy and began to lose ground and began to drift toward Cuba. Someone had called the Coast guard and they showed up as the floaters were almost out of sight.

As tough construction workers we thought, how stupid, if the wind is blowing from the north and the Gulf is to the south, don’t get in the water. We had no idea that we also were heading to Cuba, and the wind was stronger than we were, in our own lives. As Forest Gump would say, “Stupid is as stupid does”.

In these swimmers’ situation the wind was their enemy. The word enemy is interpreted as who, or whatever is against you. Jesus said, “If you are not for me you are against me”. There was a great wind of opposition blowing against Him when He walked this earth and there still is today, opposition to His name, what He teaches and what He does. There is a great wind of opposition against those of us who are for Him, and are against what He instructs us to do, as we do it. The wind is against God and all that is good. The origin of the wind is satanic and is against God’s kingdom and His church, His people.

The shore line symbolizes everything that is good and Godly. Cuba, symbolizes a godless dictatorship and everything that is bad. I am getting up in age and have observed the godless wind of liberalism that has raised its ugly head and blows many people to Cuba. Our feet can be on American shore and our head in Cuba. What we have come to believe can reveal if this is the case. Do we believe things that are against God’s teachings? Our Father created the earth and created men and women to live in it and tend it, according to His instructions, as man and wife. We were created after His kind. Have we now come to believe that a man can marry a man? Cuba. Do we now believe that a man can have a sex change and become a woman and marry a man? Cuba. How many things has the strong roaring wind forced us to accept? Do we know it is wrong inside but accept it on the outside just to get along? The old Indians called a man like this, “One who speaks with forked tongue”. God calls him a double minded man shaky in all his ways. How many things have we come to accept that is against His ways?

Our nation has been engulfed in a wind that has grown stronger and stronger over the years. The Democratic Party has grown more liberal and godless as the years have gone by. They have elected godless men to office and appointed them to the courts. They own the Attorney General, and many law enforcement people and none of them are ever prosecuted for their lawless acts. By the way, did you know that elected people such as the President and congress don’t have to go through a background check? Only citizens such as you and I have to. They are also issued security clearances without checking their past associations and actions. I wonder who made that rule. When a nation has little recourse to lawlessness and dictatorial rule we are almost to Cuba. We have paddled hard to get back to shore and are about exhausted. We need help from the outside, and we need a coastguard ship to show up. I know many of you have been calling the coastguard, so to say, for a long time. The ship is coming, can’t you see it?

We can’t paddle our way back to shore we are too weak. We need help. God has sent help in the form of a man. Names mean something to God, so He named him Trump. What does a trumpet do? It sounds an alarm. It speaks God’s instructions. It tears down things. It is stronger than the wind. Do we remember reading, Jesus woke up while in a fishing boat and there was a great storm blowing? The disciples were afraid and Jesus rebuked the storm saying, “Be still”. Can we allow His man to do the same? God is for Donald Trump, can we be against him? Will we find ourselves against God and His plan? This should be obvious to God’s people. One person is blowing us to Cuba and the other is taking us back to shore. Do we have the strength to change this situation? We certainly do. We can get up and go vote for God’s man. The choice is given to us. He won’t force us to go, but we are a part of this also, just as Donald Trump is. Can we do our part as Donald Trump is tirelessly doing his? Is he by himself or are we with him? God’s plan is to take back the land that He gave us. Do we want to be loved by God or hated by liberals the rest of our lives? This should be obvious to the church, or does it take a Prophet to say it.? if so, so be it. “The wind has blown us down, but we still have the strength to sign our name to a ballot. The roar of the wind has beaten and scared us, but we will prevail. We will not give in to the failure. We are God’s handy- work and we are for Him. We will stand together as His church and body in the earth. He has given this land to us and we will not stand by and let somebody else take it from us. If God is for us, who can stand against us? Are we waiting for an angel to come from heaven to strike our enemy or are we going to get up and do our part? We have been taught passivity forever from the church buildings while liberalism continued to grow and look where it got us. We are men, made in God’s image. He is not passive. Was the Cross passive or was it a war against evil. Did Jesus come to the earth to undo what the devil had done to His people or not? We are salt and light to the earth. Will the people in our land see that? Why do we fight for what is right and good? Because He did and still does. Are we for Him and with Him? The wind won’t stop just because we want it to. It will stop when we tell it to.”

David McClary

Author: David McClary

My wife and I live in the Great Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee.