“Full Impact”


“Full Impact”

An impact is when two objects or things comes together. When they come together and touch. This coming together can be light or heavy. It can be gentle or hard. It could be like the difference in two boxing punches. Say, like a jab as opposed to a punch. The punch is stronger than a jab. I just got over a bad upper respiratory infection. At first when it hit me it was light. I doubled up on vitamins and such. In a few days, it hit me hard, then came two shots in the rump. I have seen many hurricanes, some light and some strong, they all have an impact. Some things like a wasp can have a small sting but a hard after effect. Sometimes we can learn to appreciate things, the harder they hit us. Like the smell of a beautiful rose garden. At a distance its light, but when we draw nearer the aroma engulfs us, or we get the full impact of the smell. All of us who get the full impact, never forget it, whatever it is.


On our journey through life there are many impacts, some we like and some we don’t. Some light and some full impact. I saw an astronaut speaking on TV yesterday, filmed before his death. He spoke of looking back at the earth from the moon. He teared up while referring to what he said to God. “Never let me forget the beauty and majesty of what I am seeing today”. He wanted to always know the full impact of what he was seeing with his own eyes.


When the disciples walked, and talked with Jesus, they experienced the light touch of Him. After His death and resurrection as they prayed in an upper room, the sound of a mighty rushing wind filled the room. They saw what appeared like cloven tongues of fire and it sat on each one of them. They were filled with the Holy Ghost and spoke in the language of heaven, as well as the tongues of other nations, which they didn’t know. Before, they could do none of this. After the full impact hit them they could. They were so impacted that they would never forget what they had experienced that day. They would never forget what they had seen with their very eyes. Jesus became their over powering first love at that very instance. The greatest single thing that had happened since the creation, had happened to them personally that day. The full impact of the kingdom of God hit them at that moment. It was so impactful that they wanted to tell everyone and set out to do so. The excitement was overwhelming.


Most of us have been impacted greatly in our lives by something. We knew the full impact of not having a mother, father, friends, safety, food, home, not being loved, not being forgiven and on and on. But after experiencing the full impact of the Kingdom of God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost, the motherless is the greatest mother. The ones that were loved the least, love the most. The ones who had no home, open their house to the homeless. Those who were unforgiven, forgive the most. Those who were impacted the hardest, impact others the most now.


The full impact experience of the disciples wasn’t just for them. This was to spread wide and far, so the excitement of this experience would propel them to spread the good news of Jesus all over the world. There are many impactful experiences with God, it just began with the disciples. The excitement of the impact moves us.


David McClary






Author: David McClary

My wife and I live in the Great Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee.