A true picture is the exact image of what is real. One may alter the picture, but can never change what is real. What is real was made long ago long before man was. When he was birthed he saw the picture of what is real and all the details of it. Than darkness came with the intent to change the picture, so man could not see what is real. From that time until now, the image of what is real has been at war with what is not.
When light was there the picture was clear and all the details of what is real were seen, but when darkness came, the picture could barely be made out. Darkness could explain the picture his way, hoping to distort man’s view of what is real, and has done so until this day. Darkness is real enough. He has even distorted the picture of himself so man cannot see what he really is. His strength is in his lies. His goal is to alter the picture.
What is not real is being portrayed as real even today. Darkness uses a simple lie to alter the picture so what is real cannot be seen. The picture of what is right is portrayed as wrong and the picture of what is wrong is portrayed as what is right.
Why would darkness want to alter what is real, I wondered. The God of heaven has always been light for what is real, is light. Darkness was once light when he was content to be a citizen of the light. He became arrogant in his position and that led him to want the position of the Light, Thus lying to himself, darkness came in and distorted his picture of what is real. The lie was birthed and he began to tell others a distorted picture of the creator and what is real. The God of heaven separated darkness from the light to the earth and darkness has been lying to all creation ever sense. The black, dark war we fight is about what is real and what is not real. “Hunker down and pray”. What is real will not come by our politicians, our leaders or our judges. The picture has been distorted and what has been portrayed to us is not reality. Thus what is real is not available to us in our everyday lives. The Dark lies have produced confusion, despair, emptiness, loneliness, suicidal thoughts; and such seems to have become the norm. It seems to have become the real. I remembered then an old saying, “What’s wrong with this Picture”? We know something is wrong but don’t know what it is. Darkness has lied to us so long we think this is normal.
Jesus was sent to the earth to shine light on the picture so we can see what is real. He is light. If we in the war will “Hunker down and pray,” the Light will return. The Picture and the details of it will be seen clearly and what is real will be known.