Forced March

“Forced March”
A violation of the conscience

I was born in 1941. I still have a vivid picture of Jewish prisoners forced to march to barbed wired prison camps. I can still see their frail, bony bodies with their torn clothes and hollow eyes. Hitler reigned from 1933 to 1945. I remember after the war, the Jewish boat people, trying to find a free land to settle in and being forced to turn away. Being forced to go in a direction against their conscience and will. Being forced to march to others’ wills did not start yesterday, it’s nothing new. In America today so far no one is forced to march to prison for their trust in God. But there are more subtle ways to march us there.

When I was birthed, God had already planted a homing device within my spirit, called a conscience. Sort of like a G.P.S. system, it always points to where Jesus is. Jesus is who I call the voice on my G.P.S. in my conscience. If I make a wrong turn, he always tells me to turn around and get back on the appointed destination. The problem is that there are many signs and people’s voices trying to subtly force me to march to another destination. The destination is the most important thing in our existence. This is not a game. The devil started in the Garden of Eden when he told Adam and Eve that God did not say you couldn’t do whatever you want to. If you eat of the tree of good and evil, you will be as smart as God. This was a subtly forced march for all creation, away from God. Man has been on a forced march, violating his conscience ever since. This world is full of wrong turns against the conscience intended to avert our direction to our ultimate destruction.

I saw a commercial on T.V. this morning; it was for a credit card, “The black card”. The road sign said “Life without limits”. As to say, you can spend all you want or have anything you want. What it doesn’t say is, look for the road sign that says, “Buy this great deal so you can miss some payments and then I can raise your interest rate to 28% and force you to make me rich”. A forced march to bankruptcy. Anything to keep you from your destination. Forced marches always lead us to a different destination. God gave us all a free will. No animal, bird or mammal has a will, only man.

I am reading Joseph Bondarenko’s book, “The KGB’s Most Wanted”. In 1962, he was forced to march into a K.G.B. office in Russia and go to prison, for loving and preaching Jesus. His own conscience would have never forced him there, but his enemies did. By the way, this happened while I was on a troop ship coming back from Germany to America, to be discharged from the army. This was not a hundred years ago. His conscience or his homing device stayed strong and continued to point in the direction of Jesus. He was released many years later and still points to Jesus everyone who will listen.

There is a great forced march happening in America today, called political correctness. This shames people to go in a direction, contrived by hell itself. One point of it is about who will go to Heaven or who will go to hell. I will take one example from many. We all have sons and daughters that we want to grow up straight and true. The creator of them said, no one who willfully practices homosexuality will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. These are His words, not mine. This is a very serious matter for those that we love. Political correctness says this practice is normal, God says it’s not, they were not created that way. The nondiscrimination laws say, you can’t discriminate between good and evil, normal or perverted. These laws, when enacted, may have meant well during the slavery days, but has ballooned out of control. I wonder who put up this road sign and why? If political correctness says it’s ok and God says no, what is the end destination for the ones we birthed and love. God is not willing to see our sons and daughters go to that destination and I’m not either. Our children’s homing device is still pointing in the direction of Jesus. Pray that your son’s and daughter’s conscience would be bright, alive and attentive. The conscience, told enough, that wrong is right will become seared, like a piece of burnt steak, and cannot hear well any longer. To have a part in searing the conscience of another is a very serious matter. The conscience again, is the organ that makes us aware of God and His way. There are many other examples of this sort. Confusion and doubt about what is right or wrong is their goal.

We all have a will, given to us by God. We can be forced to other destinations or we will follow our preprogrammed destination to Jesus. God wrote His way and His law in all mankind’s heart. When we do wrong, we know it immediately and when we do good, we know that too.

The winds of political correctness continues to roar in America. Its’ goal is to destroy the God built foundation. When hurricane Camile roared with winds of 130 miles an hour into the Gulf coast, many houses were gone, but their foundations remained. Many houses are gone in America, but it’s foundation is still solid and God will rebuild on it.

If you find yourself forced to be at the wrong destination, you don’t have to like it or stay there. If your house has been swept away, you still have your foundation that God made, your conscience, not made by human hands. It holds the seed of new direction, new life and a new destination.

PS: The conscience in you, is proof that God made and loves you, for it always points you to Him, your promised destination.

David McClary
“A voice from the Mountain”

Author: David McClary

My wife and I live in the Great Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee.