The Hewer And The Polisher

beautiful-garden-pond-samplesMy creation is polluted with sin, as a pond full of green algae, even a frog couldn’t live in it. In heaven there is no sin at all, where everything is many times more beautiful, clean and full of life. It was my plan for the earth to be this way also.

As the pond, without fresh water, stagnates; when fresh water begins to flow into it, it comes to life.

As with natural stone, it appears unsightly to man. He sets out to hew and polish it to make it beautiful. He also attempts to hew and polish himself due to his dissatisfaction with his appearance, personality, monetary state, spiritual state and such.

But like the pond, nothing will grow in it. He becomes frustrated and sets out to hew and polish in a different way, only to produce something just as polluted.

Before man’s fall in the garden of Eden he was beautiful, made in my image. In his separation from me, he had no fresh water to feed his pond and stagnation set in.

Today man still tries to hew and polish his life, in himself, in the church, in government, only to be disappointed again.

Man’s Hewing and Polishing has never been successful and wasn’t intended to be. It can never be, it always produces the wrong outcome.

“I AM” the Creator, Hewer and Polisher of my creation, to make it beautiful, successful and joyful, for “I” delight in it.

You have made a mess with your hewing and polishing, “I” would love to fix it and make your pond beautiful.

All you have to is ask.

Author: David McClary

My wife and I live in the Great Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee.