“Only The Dead See”
There is a belief system in the earth that we live in that is separated from reality. So if our belief system is separated, what is it separated from? And, what is the other system?
This system we live in can be seen, such as, I know that I can see, feel touch and so on. I believe this is all here and I believe that it is real. Now the way we relate with other humans and governments all over the earth are a part also of what we believe. What we believe is what we teach, how we govern and what we say to others. And, just a few examples of the basic things we believe are, I know the earth is here because I’m standing on it and I have been told that we were created by by nothing that exploded and the something, the earth and all that’s in it came out of that. In believing this way other beliefs grew out of that, such as there are no absolutes and we can believe anything we want, because there is no right way or wrong ways, we just live in the now. Evolution can be added to this list also. Well we could go on and on with this but, I believe you know what we are talking about, as we all live in it, this belief system that is.
Now, to the other belief system we said we were separated from and the other reality. In this belief system, there are absolutes, there are right ways and wrong ways, good and bad. In this system we don’t just believe in it, we know it. In the beginning of this reality was God our Creator and He designed all that we see, touch, feel, walk on and such. When God created the first humans Adam and Eve they were deceived by that other reality’s teacher satan, that they could be smarter than God their Creator so, God put them out of the perfect garden and His belief system into the belief system that we all live today.
Now God’s system has structure and planed design, like building a house. With the proper planing and design or blueprints the house will be strong and beautiful. With hap-ha-sered and what seems right the house can fall in on our heads when the wind blows. Guessing at life is not a good plan, it will fall on our heads also. Have we seen any divorce and children hurt lately, working a job we hate, government dictatorships, wars, terrorist attacks and on and on. Satan’s whole plan from the garden until now and the future is to keep us guessing and remember guessing is not a plan. Guessing and listening to guessing is not a part of God’s belief system.
Now we will just cut to the chafe if you will, or get to the point. God is more than aware of your belief system that brought nothing but confusion, despair, sickness, disease and premature death, drug addiction among just a few. 2024 years ago God sent Jesus who had carried out his instruction to create our world and all thats in it to make a way for us to return to his garden. He died in our place, He took all our sin, despair in abilities and failures on Himself. We are the ones that deserved death not him. So this is the way it is. He died in our place, when we believe and follow Him, all of the sin of separation and what comes with it are forgiven and He remembers them no more. When this happens He says we die and are buried with him and are raised to new life in Him forever.
At this point we no longer live in this worlds belief system but His, we see the creation from His system view. We will begin to see the conflicts between His belief system and this worlds belief system clearly. We will no longer be led by what we no longer believe. We surly have to be baptized into His death and resurrection, to be able to see His reality.
“Only The Dead See”